UPDATE: DC Mayor Muriel Bowser issued stay-at-home orders for The District of Columbia. It goes into effect at April 1 at 12:01 AM
Maryland Governor Larry Hogan and Virginia Governor Ralph Northam have issued a “stay-at-home” order for all residents of each state on Monday. No resident in VA or MD is allowed to leave their residences for non-essential reasons. The order is effective immediately in Virginia; at 8PM this evening in Maryland.
The measure is intended to curb the spread of the Coronavirus after new cases of COVID-19 quadrupled in DC, Maryland and Virginia. Residents are allowed to leave their homes to get food, seek medical attention, exercise outdoors (as long as 6 feet of distance between non-household members are maintained), care for a relative or friend, visit their businesses, to name a few exceptions.
Anyone found violating the law could be considered guilty of a misdemeanor, which could mean citation or arrest in either state. You can read the details orders of Maryland order here. We’ll update this article if additional measures are announced in The District