Washington DC mayor Muriel Bowser announced today that The District will begin lifting restrictions that have been in place since March. The restrictions that were put in place to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus will be loosened on Friday May 29 at 12:01 AM. This is considered phase one of the city’s reopening
Under phase one, the stay-at-home order will be no more. Restaurants can begin serving patrons again at outdoor seating, with tables at least 6 feet apart. Plans are under consideration to open sidewalks and even roads to restaurants that don’t currently have tables outdoors.
Parks, dog parts, golf courses, and tennis will be open as well. Pools, playgrounds, and recreation centers will remain closed, and contact sports like basketball and football are prohibited.
Groups of 10 or more are prohibited and people are ordered to remain at least 6 feet away from anyone who isn’t in the same household.
Retail not previously considered essential cannot allow customers inside, but will be allowed to provide curbside and front door pickup. Bars and nightclubs will remain closed except for “minimum business operations, curbside pickup or delivery, or home-based services,” states the mayor’s order.
Residents are still encouraged to wear face coverings in public and avoid non-essential activities. Virginia and Maryland have similar phase one reopening plans that have either already begun or scheduled to begin this week.
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Photo: washingtonpost.com